Welcome to Mississippi Greens. My name is Amwoga Weldon Khalwale, and I’m an environmentalist, gardener and climate change advocate. I am passionate about protecting nature through sustainable gardening. I currently live in Nairobi, Kenya. I have extensively travelled throughout the 50 States, that make up, the United States of America while conducting research on vegetation in the U.S. landscape.
Born and raised in Rockville , Montgomery County, in the State of Maryland. I hold a degree in Botany from University of Wyoming as well as Master’s degree in Plant Science from University of British Columbia. With experience working on large organic farms, Orchards, water conservation research, potted plants and forest ecosystems, I believe sharing my vast knowledge through this website will be one of my contribution to humanity in as far as care for biodiversity and fighting climate change is concerned.
When am not traveling around studying various plants or writing for this website, I love sharing with people new ideas, trends and best practices related to gardening, especially outdoor gardening and growing plants of all kinds. The views and opinions expressed in this website are purely based on personal experience and knowledge that I have acquired through schooling. In as much as I believe all the information I share is materially factual and doesn’t in anyway contradict existing scientific consensuses on matters plants, I take cognizance of the fact that we are living in the information age where information and knowledge is increasingly becoming dynamic. Therefore, the information you read on this website shouldn’t be used to an extent of it being a replacement of professional advice.
Thank you. I am glad, you’re reading my articles.